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Choose Your Statistical Test: Little Quick Fix

Posted By: arundhati
Choose Your Statistical Test: Little Quick Fix

Maureen Haaker, "Choose Your Statistical Test: Little Quick Fix"
English | ISBN: 1526492520 | 2019 | 124 pages | PDF | 26 MB

Lecturers teaching big mixed cohort intro statistics courses cite one of the more frequent challenges their students encounter involves choices over which statistical test to use. Students, even if they have a basic grasp of statistics and which types of tests are out there, often make the wrong choice, or have difficulty in distinguishing between the types of tests for different types of data.
This Little Quick Fix provides step-by-step support in narrowing down possible tests they could use so they know which test fits their data and variables, and which test will actually help them answer the questions they want to answer and create maximum impact from their data.

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